Monday, August 2, 2010

Texas Rangers magic number update.

Kind of a ho-hum weekend for the Rangers.  They have 3 close games in Anaheim, but only win one.  They lose a Tommy Hunter start and a Cliff Lee complete game, but win a Rich Harden start?

Anyway, the Rangers' magic number is now 50 with 57 games to go.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Texas Rangers magic number is 56!

According to Bill Jones from CBS11 in Dallas-Fort Worth, the Texas Rangers' magic number sits at 56 after defeating the Angels 6-4 in Arlington tonight.

They've got a 7 game lead, with 3 more coming up against Oakland after an off-day tomorrow.

It's Time!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

So, what is a loud out?

Chris Davis has had a lot of loud outs as a Ranger.

(Photo:Keith Allison/Flickr)

A loud out is a baseball term for a hard hit ball that should be a base hit, but instead is hit directly to a fielder who fields the ball for an out.

Why name this blog "Loud Outs"?  Because "Warning Track Power" was taken I guess.

When a player is hitting loud outs, typically, he is struggling and seems to be very unlucky and close to breaking through.

I've had lots of loud outs the last few years, and I hope I'm about to break through.  Hence the name.

Burn this after reading.